Secret of the Secluded Sanctuary



The player finds themself trapped in a house that they are investigating. In order to progress they must solve puzzles laid in the house and at the end they find the cause of this mystery.

My roles for this project were as team lead and as a gameplay programmer

Programmer: Mark Grimké

Designer & Artist: Kaelynn Amodia

Artist: Nick Peycke

Designer: Trevor Dunn

Interaction System

For the project we needed to have the team working on different puzzles at the same time and connected with a similar control scheme. I created an interaction system that made it convenient for the other developers to work on their individual puzzles.

This worked by interacting with Unity circlecast layers and with a virtual script developers could manage how objects would react with being interacted with.

We then were able to elaborate this tool for almost all of the puzzle implementations for the game.

Rock Push Puzzle

When interacting with a rock they are simply pushed in the given direction. The goal of these classic puzzles are to make sure every pressure plate is covered by a rock. Rocks cannot be pushed past walls and will refuse to budge when trying to push pass other rocks as well. Here we do a circle cast just to make sure their is no object occupying the desired target location.

Ice Slide Puzzle

When the player goes on ice their character will slide until they come into contact with a collider. This does not lead to rounding errors despite the interpolated movement of the slide as the script corrects the position afterwards.

Node Color Puzzle

When interacting with these nodes the will then interact with the node on the opposite side to where the player interacted with. This will cause a chain of interactions happening and so the player must match the correct colors in the end in order to progress.

View the Code

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View the Design Document

View the document that was used to help design this game