



A Witch out on Halloween needs to collect the souls of children to keep herself from decaying away.

My role for this project was being the programmer

Illustrator: Forrest Laffely

Modeler & Illustrator: Chris Reynolds

Fixed Angle Controller

This game is made with 2D sprites so we decided to keep it at a fixed angle but in order to to introduce more 3D elements we let the player along the z-axis as well.

Spell Casting

This effect was done by scaling several assets at the same time along with the collider in its center which would check if there are children within.

2.5D Animator

A simple animator was used to swap out the sprites of all characters over a period of time. I had not worked on creating my own animator before this time so the results are not consistent across all platforms.

Child Ai

This Ai would have children bouncing around the play area until they are attack in which they will run away from the player. They will also keep track on how long they have been in the player’s witch circle and if they are in there for too long their turn to ash animation is played.

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